[PARTNER] ePACT: Education Partnership for Advocacy, Capacity-Building and Transformation Циљ овог пројекта је да допринесе процесу демократизације, и повећа осетљивост на сукобе у Западном Балкану, путем реформи и промена у формалном образовању. Пројекат настоји да, просветне власти и цивилно друштво, заједно реформишу образовање и школе у региону, у правцу стварања активног грађанства које критички размишља. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to sustaining the democratization process and enhancing conflict sensitivity in the Western Balkans through reforms and implementation of changes in the formal schooling system that will intensify democratic education. The project strives to achieve that education authorities and civil society jointly reform education and schools in the region to enhance critical thinking and active citizenship. These two competencies are key drivers of all forms of development, but particularly of the development of a vibrant civil society that is ready to protect and defend democratic values, gender mainstreaming, environmental protection and a culture of non-violent conflict resolution. PROJECT AIMS Reforming and implementing changes in the formal schooling system that will intensify democratic education Reforming education and schools in the region to enhance critical thinking and active citizenship To contribute on the macro level to sustaining the democratization process To enhance conflict sensitivity in the Western Balkans EXPECTED OUTCOMESExpected result 1: Policy makers and curricula developers are able to design improved evidence-based curricula for history education in particular and social science in general.Expected result 2: Participating school directors, history and social science teachers are able to multiply the competencies for multi-perspective and participative lessons.Expected result 3: Civil Society and policy makers work together in a regional network and support schools in implementing new methodologies. #пројекти
Циљ овог пројекта је да допринесе процесу демократизације, и повећа осетљивост на сукобе у Западном Балкану, путем реформи и промена у формалном образовању. Пројекат настоји да, просветне власти и цивилно друштво, заједно реформишу образовање и школе у региону, у правцу стварања активног грађанства које критички размишља. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to sustaining the democratization process and enhancing conflict sensitivity in the Western Balkans through reforms and implementation of changes in the formal schooling system that will intensify democratic education. The project strives to achieve that education authorities and civil society jointly reform education and schools in the region to enhance critical thinking and active citizenship. These two competencies are key drivers of all forms of development, but particularly of the development of a vibrant civil society that is ready to protect and defend democratic values, gender mainstreaming, environmental protection and a culture of non-violent conflict resolution. PROJECT AIMS Reforming and implementing changes in the formal schooling system that will intensify democratic education Reforming education and schools in the region to enhance critical thinking and active citizenship To contribute on the macro level to sustaining the democratization process To enhance conflict sensitivity in the Western Balkans EXPECTED OUTCOMESExpected result 1: Policy makers and curricula developers are able to design improved evidence-based curricula for history education in particular and social science in general.Expected result 2: Participating school directors, history and social science teachers are able to multiply the competencies for multi-perspective and participative lessons.Expected result 3: Civil Society and policy makers work together in a regional network and support schools in implementing new methodologies. #пројекти